Posted by: adventurousnaturemama | July 15, 2013

Trillium Lake Day 2

Friday,  July 12th.  Last night I was soooo cold!!!  I woke up several times to put more clothes on and then my body figured that since I was up that I needed to use the facilities which added to being cold.  The beauty of our hubby’s coming up later was that we could have them bring more supplies etc…more blankets!!!

We spent a lot of the morning just hanging around the camp.  It was cold in our shady spot, but in the sun it was nice despite being so windy.  We hiked down to the other end of the lake to see if anyone else from our party had arrived.  The kids would eat and then play, and use their potties and play in the dirt and eat some more.  We finally decided to take our chairs up to the gravel cul-de-sac to watch the kids play and to keep was hot then…and my Monkey sampled some more of the “local cuisine”…ARGH..again I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide or cry..but I got the ice and I strengthened my helicopter skills hahahaha.  Off to the lake we went!  The kids were so filthy dirty and I just decided to let mine eat the crackers off the ground when dropped rather than fight it..the dirt book I’m reading says it’s good for their immune systems and besides..they do it when I’m not looking anyway so I decided to chillax on that aspect.



Later in the evening our husbands arrived and we got dinner ready, had another great fire and we were able to leave the kids asleep with the husbands to go and visit our now arrived amigos from our group!  We decided to drive since it was so dark and late.

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